Saturday, January 2, 2016

Estimate and Guesstimate

Estimate and Guesstimate

The concept of guess work is not unknown to various fields of law as it applies in the cases relating to insurance, taxation, compensation as well as under the Labour Laws.

The court has a discretion applying the guess work to the facts of the given case but it is not unfettered and has to be reasonable having connection to the facts on record adduced by the parties by way of evidence.

The court further held as under:
“‘Guess’ as understood in its common parlance is an estimate without any specific information while “calculations” are always made with reference to specific data. “Guesstimate” is an estimate based on a mixture of guesswork and calculations and it is a process in itself. At the same time “guess” cannot be treated synonymous to “conjecture”. “Guess” by itself may be a statement or result based on unknown factors while “conjecture” is made with a very slight amount of knowledge, which is just sufficient to incline the scale of probability. “Guesstimate” is with higher certainty than mere “guess” or a “conjecture” per se.”
(See also: Thakur Kamta Prasad Singh v. State of Bihar, AIR 1976 SC 2219; Special Land Acquisition Officer v. Karigowda & Ors., AIR 2010 SC 2322; and Charan Das & etc. etc. v. H.P. Housing & Urban Development Authority & Ors. etc., (2010) 13 SCC 398).

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